On my walk to school each day, I pass so many trees and flowers. I planned at the start of my 365 project to show how the landscape changed depending on the season. I hopefully will still do this, as I have been collecting photographs as the months gradually (fingers crossed) get warmer.
Today when I was walking, I noticed so many flowers. So started to snap them with my phone as we were walking. None were taken from gardens, just from rough hedgerow or pathway near where I was walking.
We live in a beautiful world don’t we?
Thank you for reading
Liz Burton says
You have SO got to get into foraging! There’s hawthorn; borage and dandelion there (I think!) all edible :0)
Moll says
So true Liz. We used to eat hawthorn leaves on our walks as children, and called them ‘bread and cheese’ as that’s what they taste like 🙂
Amanda Cottingham says
I tweeted a local (celeb) chef to Liz the other day. He had made hawthorn pesto, with rapeseed oil.
kay says
Love, love, love your photographs. These are beautiful! There’s nothing lovelier than wild flowers in the hedgerows if you ask me. Don’t you just love spring and summer! :O)
Amanda Cottingham says
Yes, so love spring an summer. I took some more today, I think I’m a little obsessed 🙂
Sonia says
Such pretty photos! I often think what a grim walk to school I have but if I really stop and think about it I am sure I could get some beautiful photos on the way there and back! I need to open my eyes a bit more 😉
Amanda Cottingham says
I’d love to see what you come up with.
Moll says
We sure do live in a beautiful world, and you’ve captured it perfectly. What a lovely walk to school, and photographs xx
Amanda Cottingham says
Thanks M, it was fun, seeing what I would capture On the way x
Nikki Thomas says
Wow gorgeous photos!
Tracy says
So lucky! I’m lucky id I see a few weeds and the odd daffy on my school run! :))
Such pretty photos!
Ruth says
Such pretty pics! You’re obviously learning how to get the best out of your lovely camera 🙂
Cheryl Glew says
I agree with Sonia – we rarely find time to spot the beautiful things we see everyday!
Is your last picture Elderflower? Ever made Elderflower cordial? It’s just starting to flower as the kids pointed out yesterday – or as they say ‘ the cordial flowers are ready!!’
If you would like the recipe then let me know!
Love Chez xx
Amanda Cottingham says
Its cow slips, but I would love to make elderflower cordial, I love it! I bet Simon is driving you mad taking snap of anything and everything! 😉
Erica Price says
Very pretty. We’ve got quite a few white bells in our garden.