I was so pleased last month to be chosen as a member of the Tots 100 Brand Panel. For those of you who have not read it on the Tots 100 site, here is the LINK.
It consists of 12 parenting bloggers, who each month comment on key blogger outreach campaigns
Well the first month findings are up, here. So if you are interested in hearing the thoughts of the brand panel. Or want to find out more about the blogger outreach campaigns highlighted this month, it is definitely worth a read.
Thank you for reading
The Ana Mum Diary
mummiafelice says
Aww many congrats! How cool – I’ll pop over for a read a bit later x
Amanda Cottingham says
Thank you, I was so chuffed to have been chosen!
Nikki Thomas says
Fantastic that you were involved, it was really interesting x
Amanda Cottingham says
Thanks Nikki. It was great to read back everyone else’s point of view.
Molly says
Congrats A! and looks like you are in some good company there too 🙂 x
Actually Mummy... says
Cool, I’ll take a look
Debbie says
What an interesting panel. I have done some great work with brands suggested by Tots 100 – I think they are doing a great job of showing us all what is out there.