When you nurture your child from an early age, it could help them to develop a healthier and larger hippocampus (part of the brain linked to learning, memory and stress management). According to recent studies, children who are raised in nurturing, loving homes are also more likely to do better in social situations such as school and are more emotionally advanced.
As a mom, you want what is best for your child and want to give them all the tools they will need to become well-rounded adults. And while there is no book on perfect parenting, helpful resources like Mommy Authority offer some advice on everything motherhood.
Here are a few nurturing parenting tips that are great for your child’s development.
Be Openly Warm And Loving
Child development experts agree that one of the most important parts of being a nurturing parent is to act lovingly and display affection to your child from a very young age.
Implement this technique straight from birth. When your newborn cries, show them loving care and let them know that you are there. Speak kindly to your children and never out of anger – this will teach them to do the same to others.
Love Thyself
If you don’t take care of yourself, it becomes challenging to take care of others, not to mention being a nurturing parent. For this reason, you should also nurture yourself. Invest in some you time, and take a moment to recharge.
Read a book in a bubble bath, enjoy a quiet cup of coffee or relax at a spa for an hour. In doing so, you will be more patient with your children.
Put A Routine In Place
Consistency and habit are the cornerstones of nurturing parenting. When your child does not have a routine, they won’t know what to expect. With systems and methods in place that comforts your child, they won’t have to wonder about anything else apart from being a kid.
Routines are also great stress relievers when things get a little busy. They will help you feel more organised – which takes the pressure off of you and your family.
Participation Is Important
When you are a nurturing mom, you realise that your child needs to interact with people outside of your family unit. This interaction helps them develop healthier social skills and relationships with others.
Take your children on trips to the museum, zoo and other extracurricular activities where they can form friendships and have conversations with the outside world.
However, always keep in mind that your children also need free time, so avoid filling their schedules with these activities.
Remember To Listen
Show your child that you value their thoughts and feelings by really listening to them. This improvement in communication will improve the way they express themselves, as they will better understand the importance of listening to what others have to say.
Not only will you help give your child respect for other people, but you will also encourage them to tell you what they are feeling. When this dialogue is open, they will feel more comfortable telling you about issues they may have and make it easier for you to convey sensitive information to them.
Focus On Family Time
Spending quality time with your children is an essential part of nurturing parenting. It helps to create and develop strong familial bonds, improve the way they cope with difficulties and challenges, instil a sense of security and promote an understanding of family values.
In this day and age, spending one-on-one time with your kids may seem like a luxury – with busy schedules often getting in the way. But with the media and modern influences now playing such a significant role in the lives of children, it is more crucial than ever before.
Every parent, household and mom are different. Each dynamic between parent and child has its nuances that might not all apply to the same sets of rules. You know what is best for your family and how to be the most nurturing person in their lives. However, if you would like to up the ante and become an even more attentive mom, try some of these tips in your parenting style.
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