No matter how you spend your time in the garden, if you have a plot of land that is even just a few feet wide, I’m sure you have dreamed of how it could be transformed into something beautiful.
That’s why so many people enjoy planting their own flowers and growing their own vegetables. Gardening is an excellent hobby for those who are creative by nature.
Experimenting with how to use garden netting is one of the best things you can do for your project, especially if you are planting flowers or vegetables at home instead of purchasing them from a store or nursery.
If you have kids, family, friends, neighbours or even pets who might go near where you’re growing your plants, you’ll need to cover the area so no one will disturb them while they become established.
Here are some great ideas that you will absolutely love if you are thinking about how to use garden netting to make better use of your outdoor space.
1) Protect Plants From Pests Using Netting
Once something sprouts, it is pretty much too late to prevent animals from feasting on your hard work. But if you have some garden netting ripped into long strips, this would be a great way to protect new shoots or seedlings from hungry critters. You can even tie the ends together to form a circle for larger plants.
2) Keep Pets In (Or Out) Of Your Garden
If you want to keep your pets in the yard, how about tying some garden netting around the perimeter after making a few small holes for them to stick their heads through? This will prevent them from being able to chew through, dig under or jump over it.
Cat netting is a great alternative to traditional netting as it’s made from plastic and can be used indoors and outdoors to keep your cat from leaving their garden.
3) Use Garden Netting To Hide an Irrigation System
If you use an irrigation system in your garden, how about using some netting to make it blend in more? After hanging the netting around the area you want to cover, you can train plants and trees to grow into the area where you would like to see the hose hidden. Attach netting firmly to the ground with landscaping pins.
4) Build A Colourful Garden Pathway
If you have a lot of space, this would be an easy way to create a visual pathway. You can even use coloured netting or mix and match different colours for a more eclectic look.
5) Create Vertical Gardens without Frames
Who says your garden netting has to lay flat? If you loop your netting around large stakes, it will hold the netting nice and taut, making it perfect for growing “green walls” indoors or out.
6) Use Netting For Melon Protection
If you are planting watermelons, cantaloupes or honeydew melons in your garden, garden netting is a great way to keep the fruit clean and dry. Also, if you have animals that like to dig up seeds, this would be an excellent way to keep the seeds in place.
By twisting your garden netting, you could easily “knot” it up into small sections that work well at keeping weeds out of your garden. You can even do this with old pantyhose! To save time, just put on some gloves and tear the material into long strips.
8) Build Cages for Tomatoes, Peppers & Other Vining Plants
Slip your garden netting over some tomato cages or metal shepherd’s crook stakes to create a vining cage for other plants. You can also use this method if you want to grow peas, cucumbers or other crawling vines vertically.
9) Enhance The Wildlife Habitat by Creating Nesting Material
Use garden netting to create bundles of “nesting material”. Then hang them up in trees, place on the ground or near bushes where wild rabbits, squirrels and other small animals may use them.
10) Build a Protective Enclosure for New Seedlings
If new seedlings are not hardened off yet, you can protect them with garden netting to keep out critters like birds, squirrels and even deer. All you need to build a simple enclosure are stakes and garden netting with a 20mm mesh or smaller.
If you don’t have many climbing plants but still want to grow something vertically, garden netting is great for this too. You can also use it with twiggy branches and sticks for an easy and eco-friendly trellis.
12) Keep Pets Out of Flowerbeds
You can keep dogs out of flowerbeds by simply laying garden netting over the top. It is light enough that it won’t damage your plants but sturdy enough that pets will have a hard time getting through it.
You can make a sturdy hammock using garden netting and some heavy-duty tarp clips. This would be ideal for those lazy days when you want to kick back in the shade with a nice cold beverage.
If you have an area that could use some shade, a small mesh garden and shade netting is perfect for the job. You can easily attach the garden netting to any wooden frame to create a large canopy.
15) Use As A Shade Cloth
You can use the same type of small mesh garden netting to prevent your plants from getting too much sun too. Shade clothis ideal for growing hotter climate plants that need protection in extreme weather conditions.
Conclusion: How To Use Garden Netting To Create An Interesting Outdoor Space
Garden netting is the ideal option for most outdoor projects, especially DIY ones. The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating an exciting space with netting.
Whether you’re looking to plant some plants, install a pergola or want to protect your existing plants from marauding animals or children, you can find a way to make it happen with some simple garden netting.
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