Award winning, top UK lifestyle blog, written by Amanda Cottingham from Nottingham. Featuring travel, home interiors, decor, interior design, food and fashion.
A lifestyle and travel blog, about a family of four, and a beloved pooch called Bennett.
I am the writer Amanda Cottingham, come hear my tales...
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Thank you for all of the lovely comments on my #silentsunday post.
Thank you so much! If I haven’t visited you blog already, I will try and do so and comment this week.
Amanda x
Erica Price says
Little pink and blue riding hats! Love the coats.
Nicki Cawood says
Very cute! Off for a walk and sorted in case it rains 🙂
Not Yet a Yummy Mummy says
Ha very cute indeed, now following your blog x
butwhymummywhy says
Love this. My daughter does the same (and then whizzes about pretending to be a superhero!)
PippaD says
So cute, I love the path being in the middle of the shot (I know you did that on purpose) it seems to be right from a storybook.
fireflyphil says
Right. That’s the back cover of your book sorted. Just the front cover, a title, and 40,000 words, and you’re good to go…
Lena doherty says
Awww very cute, my girls always put their coats on their heads x
Carolin says
That’s adorable. I live their coats. Where are they off to?
Anthea Willis says
Ready for anything the Great British Summer wants to throw at them 😉 x
Sonia says
Gorgeous rain costs. Too adorable xx
Lucy says
I love the size difference. Especially as it’s the little one leading the way…
christine taylor says
Aw i love those raincoats,love walking shots x
LagosMum says
I love this picture! I can’t stop smiling now 🙂
sarahmumof3 says
love this!
Liz Burton says
So much going on in this pic.
It really does paint a thousand words!
Julia Skinner says
Now that’s why I wanted a big sister. Fabulous picture!
Chris Mosler says
Definitely a story in here!
mumfordandsons4real says
Rain coats for just in case
mollyandtheprincess says
lovely photo of your two caped crusaders xx
theanamumdiary says
Thank you for all of the lovely comments on my #silentsunday post.
Thank you so much! If I haven’t visited you blog already, I will try and do so and comment this week.
Amanda x
susankmann says
Aww what a pretty picture. Love the coats x