I wrote last week about my challenge of getting fitter and healthier. Well I’m going to go one stage further today and tell you, I really am going to lose one stone in weight. That’s my goal, and I am so determined to achieve this!
I’m not going to tell you my actual weight, not because I’m embarrassed. It’s just I wouldn’t tell anyone (apart from my consultant) and it feels very alien to declare it on my blog, so my lips are sealed, I hope you can forgive me?
My weight is really getting me down now though. I have both the blogging conferences coming up and blogcamp. So it’s really playing on my mind that I am at my heaviest. We are also going on a family holiday to Florida – I bet you can see my smile from where you are!! So I really want to fit into all of my summer clothes too.
So to kick-start this, as of tomorrow I am going to review the Jenny Craig Diet for two weeks. Jenny Craig is well-known as diet food delivered to your door, and do you know what…I am looking forward to it. I feel in a really positive frame of mind!
A two-week trial is £38.50 (half price) per week currently, so It’s an ideal time to start.
How does the Jenny Craig Diet work?
Jenny Craig focuses on three key aspects critical for weight loss success: food, body and mind.
The first aspect is food, and this week my consultant would like me to concentrate on this. I’m vegetarian and was intrigued as to how much variety there would be. I was very pleasantly surprised! I have to eats 6 times each day (this includes snacks) and we are strongly encouraged to eat not only all of these but lots of the free foods. These are things like onions, pepper, leeks, salads and broccoli.
Here are the breakfasts and the snacks.
And the lunch and main meals.
Heres an example of a day:
Breakfast : chocolate-coated & whole-wheat flakes with milk and a piece of fruit.
Snack : fruit
Lunch : carrot and coriander soup with a slice of bread and a teaspoon of spread and salad and cottage cheese.
Snack : Jenny Craig snack – Crisps or chocolate wafer bar.
Dinner : Thai vegetable curry, with a portion of protein and at least a cup of vegetables.
Snack : low-fat yoghurt.
Which, when you see it on paper, does actually seem like quite a lot of food. Its based on 1,200 calories a day. Now if there is one thing I don’t like or do is count calories. So the fact that this is all done for me, is a real sense of relief.
So far I’ve tried the cereal, and it was delicious!
I also need to drink lots of water, and can have unlimited things such as herbal tea. Which I know, I struggle with normally. I am going to force myself to drink lots, I’m hoping this is going to retrain me to drink more water.
Ok, so now I am off to measure myself, so I can map my inch loss. This weight will be GONE!
Thank you for reading
Tracy says
Good luck Amanda. The cereals are scrummy! I think you’re starting it at the ideal time as well. Warmer weather, not so likely to want comfort food, and drinking more water shouldn’t be such a struggle.
I’ll look forward to hearing all about it!
Amanda (The Ana Mum Diary) says
Thank you Tracy. I am so determined to do it. I MUST lose this weight now!! I agree with the warm weather, hoping thats going to make it easier. A x
good luck 🙂 keep a strong mind & u will be fine, i’ve been trying to lose my baby weight since beginning of jan & some weeks i wouldnt lose anything but u have to stay positive & think about the next week 🙂
emma xx
Amanda (The Ana Mum Diary) says
Thank you Emma, that’s great advice I will try!
Nic says
Good luck!! I have been swimming and walking this week so am hoping I will be joining you loosing weight!
Amanda (The Ana Mum Diary) says
Yay Nic, please let me know how you get on…and if you need any encouragement xx
Nikki Thomas says
Sounds Amazing and a little bit scary too! Good luck with it! Keep thinking about Florida, that should be good motivation!
Amanda (The Ana Mum Diary) says
Two meals in Nikki, and all going well. The tricky bit I think will be the evening meal! So I’ll let you know how that works out as I go on. I’ll do a full post at the end of the week 🙂
Jen says
Good luck with this! I lost a stone last year and it’s started creeping back on so I’m really trying to find some willpower to be ‘good’. Will follow your progress and maybe this will inspire me.
Amanda (The Ana Mum Diary) says
Thank Jen…I have my determined head on!
Molly says
Good luck A! I look forward to hearing how you get on, and I might give it a go myself. What are the main meals like (as in, how do you prepare them)? what extra is needed (apart from the ‘free food’) in addition to what is in the delivery? Thanks x
Amanda (The Ana Mum Diary) says
Main meals, are just warmed though in a pan or microwaved. Just adding extra veg or salad a protein or it might be a fat for example a spoonful of parmesan cheese. They encourage you to have dairy, so the milk with cereal, a yoghurt, or a piece of fruit. It’s varied demanding on the day.
My main meal today was a green lentil dhal with vegetables. Lunch was similar to a pot noodle style, but Thai red curry.
Molly says
Thanks A, that’s useful info x
Becky says
will follow how you get on with interest so need something to kick start me
Amanda (The Ana Mum Diary) says
Thanks Becky…I’ll keep you posted!