We’ve made it, dreary January is no more. I do feel a bit of a sigh of relief once we get to February each year, I must admit. Even more so this year, as it means I have managed a month of keeping up with my goals and resolutions. I’ve even added a few more, so I’m feeling really good about achieving my goals. So to recap, I’ve been getting more active on my bike, eating healthier with more soups and fresh smoothies. Also because the weather has been awful…rain, rain and more rain I’ve been also trying adding a few Wii Fit activities to my work out.
I think we are very late to the party with Wii fit, as we’ve only just bought it. It is however great fun for all the family as it can used from 3 years up. We already had a Wii console so the additional board and game cost an additional £80.
We’ve got the Wii Fit Plus version, which combines fun and fitness into one. You can change how you exercise, how you balance, and even how you move.
Expanding upon the original Wii Fit software, Wii Fit Plus is packed with every feature from Wii Fit—plus new exercises and tools to personalize your exercise routine. If you already have a profile on the original Wii Fit, you can easily transfer it over to Wii Fit Plus.
Once I got over the initial embarrassment of doing a work out at home – not sure why, but I had a fit of the giggles at first when I started using it. I now do it, when I’m on my own in the house, door locked just me and my Wii Mii!
Choosing a Mii character (which is a virtual caricature unique to the Wii console) is fun, and once it is set up, it represents you on the Wii. Mine looks more like a tiny cartoon Marilyn Monroe though, a girl can dream. 😉 I then used the Wii Balance Board, you can see above, to measure my center of balance, Body Mass Index (BMI), and body control. Now from this it told me my Wii Fit Age. Now I’m not going to reveal that as yet, I’m going to use it for a few more weeks, and see if I can reduce it.
My next posts, will be revealing how I have got on with the bike, mixer and Wii fit, with a few of my favourite recipes too.
‘My New Years Resolution’ brought to you in Collaboration with Argos.
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