I’ve been wanting to get out into the garden for so long now, and take some photographs. Its all still pretty bare, our garden is the style that dies back lots over winter, but new life is beginning to spring up now. I hoping to track the progress of the garden in photographs, as last year we planted so many new plants, so hopefully its going to be abundant with colour and lushness.
I dodged in and out the house in-between showers to take the photographs, which I think is a great starting point for this project, hopefully by summer it will less about the rain and more about the scorching heat.
We have some plans for the garden too in the next few month, and some painting that needs doing, as the storms took down some of our fences. I can’t wait to see some more colour in it though.
I love this image the water laying heavy on the leaves.
I chose this image as its one of the new plants we had planted last year, I’d almost forgotten about it, until I saw it sprouting these black leaves. I can’t wait to see what it looks like.
I’m excited to be joining in for the first time, with Annie from the Mammasaurus blog – How does your garden grow, project this week.
Claudia says
hooray for spring and new blooms. love the pink!
Merlinda Little says
I can see colors already and I love the bud with raindrops. Just so refreshing =)
Mammasaurus says
Ah so glad to have you join in! This is a fab time of year, so many shoots and buds poking up screaming ‘look at meeee!’ The raindrops on the leaves is stunning , great detail. I’m looking forward to nosing round your garden more often – think of me as an online David Bellamy, rummaging in your undergrowth.
Now that sounds waaaay ruder than I meant it to!
Thanks for joining in and sharing x
becky says
Oh Amanda how lovely raindrop[s are so pretty!
Rosie says
I love raindrops on plants. What is the black leaved plant – it looks like Rosemary but I don’t think it can be?
Molly says
Lovely photographs A, and I look forward also to following your lovely garden burst into life. Bad luck about the storm damage to the fences 🙁