This post has been delayed, as once I got back from BritMums live, I was away on a press trip to France. France was beautiful, but I’ll tell you more about that later in the week. I was sponsored to attend the BritMums Live conference in June by Coke-Cola, so first of all I wanted to say a huge thank you to them. It really was an honour to have been chosen by such a cool and iconic brand.
I am a Diet Coke drinker, loving cherry and vanilla flavour too. What’s your favourite I wonder?
Once we got to the Hotel (The Montcalm) all of my fellow bloggers sponsored by Coca-Cola sat down and chatted with Coca-Cola’s representatives whilst having some lunch. A great introduction to the brand with information about things, I for one didn’t know that Coca-Cola were involved in. So in this post, I thought I would let you in on some of the initiatives that I think that my readers would be interested in.
First up is the Coca-Cola Zero Park Lives , which is a nationwide programme at over 70 local parks in the UK – Birmingham, Newcastle and the London Borough of Newham. Days of fun, free, family activities in the heart of our local communities. Anyone can join in, just go to the link above to find out more information. They promise to be fun and definitely get us all more active. This campaign, will be expanding too, so if none of the sites/parks are near you, and you don’t fancy a trip to one this summer, hang tight.
Next up, was something I’m sure many of you, in the midst of 2014 FIFA World Cup football fever (luckily its bypassed me so far) will be interested in. There is a Win a Ball on a pack competition. There are up to one million Coca‑Cola footballs up for grabs, and 10p for every valid entry will be donated to StreetGames- a UK Charity providing sporting opportunities for teenagers in disadvantaged communities.
Also I’d like to show you both of these interesting resources : The Caffeine Counter and Work It Out Calculator – simple tools on the Coca-Cola website that you may want to give a try, I was really very surprised at some of the results, not quite what you would think.
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