I am very proud to be working again with Post-it note. They for me are a company that gives back, and are very engaging and thought-provoking with their projects. Last year I was involved in a fantastic campaign where they made dreams come true for some people and it was such a joy seeing the very deserving winners announced.
Well following on from this, Post-it have done some research for the new Make it Happen Campaign.
What do you see as the secret to happiness? Well apparently there are several things materially that are important. Two of them being earning £80,840 a year and living in a £443,000 home according to the new study. The value of my house would never actually occur to me, as a metric to happiness, how about you?
The research also found that our ideal life would involve working 27 hours 20 minutes a week and having two children. Well fewer hours and more leisure time I can completely see as a measure of happiness. I think though if that happened, I would have a football team of children, to keep me company!
The most interesting thing for me was the difference between the men and women who were surveyed about what they thought was the secret to happiness. Women wanted to be close to their direct family (within a mile) whereas men preferred them further away. Having a close relationship with my family, is so important to me, I actually don’t know what I would do without mine.
Katie Piper, who is the Post-it Brand spokesperson, has a really positive take on life and happiness. Her own life changed dramatically at the age of 24, when she was victim to an attack, which altered her life path completely. Her advice though is to still definitely have a life plan, but says: “don’t get disheartened if things don’t go to plan…Just be prepared to modify them, and continue to keep them at the forefront of your mind as life throws up different paths and challenges”
I completely agree Katie.
“Be brave,” says Katie. “Set some small, achievable goals to aim for, and go for them. Don’t give up. Anything is possible.”
Such wise words from an amazing lady.
With this in mind I have set out a goal, and a affirmation of sorts that are both important to me going forward.
‘Respect your mind, body and soul Amanda.’
I really want to lose weight and be fitter, I am in pain every day when I walk because of condition I have, and I think and hope it will ease if I weigh less, and so let me do more exercise. I also need to make sure I find time for myself, to do none bloggy and parenting things. I’ve been working really hard at changing my diet, eating ‘cleaner’ food, and experimenting with new super foods…I am a dab hand at overnight oats with chia seeds and cocoa nibs now! So I need to continue in this vein, and keep working on it. My short term goal is to loose 1 stone in weight in the next 6 weeks.
Every year, I like to try something new, or learn a new skill, so that’s really what I mean by soul. I need to give what some more thought though, and I have a few ideas!
Next up, is a little bit of a blogging mantra for me, and one that I think about in my blog life a lot.
‘Dream big and reach for the stars.’
Sometimes its easy to slip into routines, and pigeon-hole yourself. This is to remind me, that my work doesn’t have to be like that. I should do things out of my comfort zone, keep working to obtain my dreams. I love my job, and I think one of the reasons is because I can be whomever I want to be from within it. I also love this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt and think it fits my goals too –
‘The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams’
Are you interested in finding out more? Well simply visit the site for more information -http://makeithappen.post-it.co.uk/
Stephanie says
I love your goals to achieve, something that you can work gradually towards and that will make a big difference to your life. I also love the sound of your overnight oats…..would love to see the recipe?
Amanda Cottingham says
Thank you Stephanie, I am trying so hard! If I get chance I’ll share the recipe next week!
Jen aka Muminthemadhouse says
I have positive affirmations every in our home. In Maxi’s room we have Dream Big, it is going to be a beautiful day and you are loved. In the study dream big and create. Family gathers here in the sitting room and Mini’s room has you are loved and you are brave!