I have wanted to do this post for such a long time, but I’ll be honest whittling it down has been a nightmare, and I could easily make this into a series, as there are so many amazing UK pinners whom I love.
But whittle it down I have (until next month ha!) and these are the 5 pinners on Pinterest who I feel are a must follow. Some already deservedly have a huge following, others more modest, but I really wanted to shout about them!
First up Laura Redburn :
Laura is an artist, and I think that really shows in her beautiful boards, she has a gorgeous eye for things, and a way of arranging them into her boards that is so pleasing. I think my favourite board is signage and found type HERE. You can see some of amazing illustrations she has made, and sells HERE, I am in love!
Next up is Allison Sadler :
I would describe Alison as a creative, as she is in actual fact the master of so many things. Choosing a favourite board of Allison’s is tough, so tough I’m going to cheat and go for two. She has a beautiful colourful vintage home, and one board is dedicated solely to it HERE.
Credit : Allison
I also love, that like me she has a huge love of flowers, but unlike me, is able to arrange them beautifully. You can follow her flower board HERE.
Next up is interior designer Mary Middleton :
I love interiors, and I find myself completely drawn to pinning images of them. Following someone like Hello Pea Green is great and you really get an insight into what inspires an interiors expert. My absolute favourite board is her Colour Colour Colour one, which you can see HERE.
Next up is Emma Harris :
The thing that stands out to me when I look at Emma’s Pinterest profile is how tonal all of her main images and boards are. She has an amazing eye I feel, and you are drawn into looking at her boards and pins. So VERY clever! With 72 boards to choose from, there are many that I love. If I had to though, it’s her come home board which showcases hallways and entrances, that I am enthralled by, you can see that HERE.
Credit :Coastal-Style
Finally in my list of 5 top UK Pinners, Nikki McWilliams :
Following Nikki, brings a smile to my face it really does, I love the things that she makes and pins. Full of life, colour and whimsy, she is a must follow! The proud designer of the infamous biscuit cushions, that no home should be without (pops off to the shops to find one, darn it!) think malted milks, custard cream, Tunnocks Teacake and Caramel Wafer …yes really!
Credit : Nikki
My favourite board has got to be where she shares photographs of her cushions in the real world, you can see that HERE.
So those are my favourite UK pinners on Pinterest, but I’m sure that I could go on and add more. If you want to see where I pin and my boards, here you go :
Visit Amanda Cottingham’s profile on Pinterest.
How about you, do you have a pinner that you want to shout about?
Slummy single mummy says
As ridiculous as it sounds, I’m yet to really get into Pinterest, so this has given me five excellent places to start, thank you!
Alison says
Fab post! I love finding new people to follow on Pinterest. I already follow a couple of these, and I am following Nikki on Twitter but not on Pinterest. Will rectify that now!
lori says
Ooh I love thiss idea of showcasing other boards, I might have to do it too and nominate people to do it also. I really love Emma and Laura’s boards and i’m off t check out the other now. x
laura redburn says
oh amanda, thank you! not in a million years was i expecting to see myself here. yay pinterest!
Jess says
Great choices, I am following nearly all of these I think. I love Pinterest! x
Kathryn says
Ooh I don’t think I’m following Mary and while I follow Allison on IG I’m not sure if I follow her on pinterest either. Will do now. Anyway, fab picks, thanks!! xx
Michelle Carden says
Thanks for the tips – I can’t wait to go and check them out. Not that I’m obsessed with Pinterest or anything 🙂