Well this summer has been an amazing one so far. Spending lots of time with my family. The trip to Cyprus we have just come back from was fantastic. We ate, drank and were definitely merry. The only exercise being the days we spent in the pool. Which actually now I come to think of it, it was great exercise, as we were in there for hours every day splashing around.
So this made me think of this video I saw shared on my email the other day about exercise : 100 years of exercise in 100 seconds. It’s definitely worth a look, definitely no dive bombing here :
It really made me chuckle when I watched, and made me think of a time when I literally got laughed out of an step aerobics class. To say the instructor thought my efforts were hilarious would be a small indication to how bad I was. Did I mention falling off the step, and repeatedly forgetting my left from my right? Yup, definitely not my kind of exercise.
If you watch the 1920’s section and the Charleston dance, well that’s definitely more my thing, even down to the way they dress. I can’t remember when I picked up being able to do that dance, I must have been very young. It’s come in handy, I’ve even taught it my eldest daughter when she was in a recent school production of Bugsy Malone.
I think I was born wanting to be in another era, I used to plead with my Mum to send me to boarding school just like all of the Enid Blyton Characters I read about, having midnight feats and lashings of ginger beer. The 1950’s section reminded me of those days. I became obsessed with hula-hooping and stilts. I was never really that good, my youngest is amazing at it, she definitely didn’t inherit my lack of co-ordination!
For now, I’ll keep walking for miles, which is great exercise for me, with some scooting too, well I am a big kid!
Which is your favourite era?
You can read more about the 100 years of keeping fit campaign HERE.
You Baby Me Mummy says
Loved that video! What a great round up! I remember my sister doing Jazzercise! x
Scruffy Dad says
I love these 100 Years vids and this is another great one. But I never set foot in a gym in my unhealthy life. Quite happy watching the videos. 🙂