Thinking about getting artificial grass? Renowned for maintaining its natural green appearance all year round and the lack of maintenance needed to keep it looking pristine – artificial grass is the perfect solution for a busy family home. To make sure you’re getting the best performance from your grass, there are some tips for you to try if you are looking at maintaining artificial grass.
Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash
Get Rid of Debris!
Debris are not only an eyesore but when left to build up, can block up your drainage system. Small particles from leaves clog the filtering holes, causing havoc on your artificial lawn. The simple way of avoiding this is to brush off any excess leaves as little as once a week during autumn or once a month in off peak seasons.
Photo by Daniel Watson on Unsplash
Alternatively, you could use your leaf blower as opposed to a brush. These are great for those who struggle with mobility. Leave blowers are particularly easy to operate and will capture any small particles. They’re also good for restoring the strands back into the upright position. To achieve this with a brush simply tease the strands backwards.
Hose It Down
Stubborn dirt may require a little more attention. Hosing down with a regular garden hose should be enough to remove it. However if the dirt remains, there are more intensive grass cleaners available. It is advised to freshen up your grass at least twice a year with a good quality cleaner in order to filter the blades and drainage system. If the budget allows, there are professional deep cleaning services available to do this for you.
Clean after the Pooch
Pet owners may experience nuisance areas where there lovely pooch decides to repeatedly do their business. This will need additional care to make sure no lingering odours occur. Washing down with the hose will only discount odours if the area is occasionally used. Home remedies include pouring white vinegar over the area where the dog choses to urinate. Leave this to soak through for around 10 minutes before rinsing it thoroughly with water. The vinegar acts as a neutraliser to remove the odour. A routine of once a month should be suffice, however the more pets you have the more often this will need to be carried out. Again, there are pet urine cleaning solutions designed to specifically tackle the issue.
Following simple care and maintenance steps will extend the life of your synthetic lawn, keeping it looking its best for years to come.
David Moore says
I have to say that artificial grass requires much less care efforts than the usual one.
Michael Jones says
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Abraham Johnson says
I think the durability and safety are great features of the artificial grass. I fall love into its beauty. I want to install artificial grass in my own home garden. This article helps me a lot.
Keep up the good posting, Amanda.