How do you feel about your front door, have you ever stopped to think about it?
For me it incredibly important, as I not only want it to look good, I need it to be secure too. My door this year has been two different colours a shabby black desperately in need of a paint job, and now a much smarter slate grey colour. I much prefer the grey, it looks much more modern I think. I’m loving the idea of being more daring next time though, and I can see that Yale customers think the same, wanting purple and yellow options for doors added to the range.
For me the most important thing is security, sure I want it to look cool, modern and presentable to the outside world, kerb appeal is important to me. Most importantly though I need it to be secure. We have a chain, and a good lock on it (I think) but with Yale reporting that 65% of burglaries happening via access to the front door it’s incredibly important to look into this more, review it and improve it if needed. Great advice I think!
I wanted to share with you this Yale Door Infographic of a front door survey they have completed for 2015. I’d love to hear your thoughts…
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[…] me, it is essential that a front door is secure, but also well maintained and cheerful. From door handles, knockers and knobs to surrounding features, here are five tips for […]