I wanted to spend a little time looking at some of the best tips and tricks I know when it comes to laundry. I’ve despaired sometimes as a Mum to two girls and their laundry habits, but with a little gentle coaxing and a proper system in place, it seems to run well now. My youngest still has a terrible habit of throwing her socks into the air when she takes them off, so I know exactly why she can’t ever find a pair when we are in a rush in the morning!
The inspiration to post this can from an infographic I spotted which includes 20 top tips for making the most out of your washing machine. On it are lots of handy hints including what washing symbols actually mean, something that still puzzles me daily!
Laundry Basket
Have a laundry basket that’s in a handy place, accessible to everyone. Don’t over complicate things make it easy for you or your children to both add their washing and take it to be washed. Encourage the children to check their pockets and to zip or button up anything they take off. This saves you time and of course a washing disaster.
Eco Warriors
If you are like me I am trying to encourage them, my family, to think about the environment. They are actually very good and often think of ideas I could try. So I do wash things on the washing machines Eco settings and add an extra spin so that they dry quicker. I ask them to only put things like jeans in the wash after a couple of wears. I encourage them to use flannels and reusable wipes and cotton pads to wash their faces. I’ve also invested in some mesh bags to add these to, alternatively, you could use a spare pillowcase.
Keep it clean and fresh
Photo by Andy Fitzsimon on Unsplash
One of the main things that has helped me the most is when it comes to keeping the washing machine clean and therefore the clothes smelling sweet. After each wash, I take the wet things out as quickly as possible and leave the door open. I would also recommend wiping the seal too after each use.
I have a washing cycle which I use once a month that cleans the drum. When I’m cleaning the drum, I add a little white vinegar to the wash which helps neutralise any bad smells and bacteria. I also before I do this clean the detergent drawer out. I’d recommend having an old toothbrush to get in all of those nooks and crannies.
Now I’m not very good at maintenance but I’ve definitely learnt that there are a few things that you can check simply and remember. One is not to overload the machine, this can really damage it and your washing machine won’t last as long. Plus a simple thing like your machine not being level can cause damage. This might be a two-person job to sort, but it’s so important!
Please do let me know any of your tips and tricks, I’d love to hear them.
Becky says
Some really useful tips her A I need to be more eco about my laundry